Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"The World Plum"

I really love this poem "The World Plum." Although it is very short, I really enjoy how specific and detailed it is.
Having such specific details such as "pout and push" and "provoked into juice," I can really create the picture in my head as I'm reading on.
I think it's a great poem because it keeps you so interested if you're able to create a picture in your mind while reading the poem without having to read it over and over to try and understand it.
I feel ask if I can actually taste and feel the luscious, perfect plum in my mouth!

Monday, March 24, 2008

"Your Catfish Friend" by Richard Brautigan

I really enjoyed this poem because not only is it talking about friends, but relating friends to catfish in a weird but very interesting way that I can relate to.
I feel it's explaining that if a catfish is beautiful, anyone can be beautiful. It's about the way you act and feel towards your friends. How comfortable you are and no matter where you are, as long as you're with your friends, the setting is always beautiful.
I think that it's important for everyone to have close friends and I believe that there's a "perfect place," as stated in the poem, for everyone and their friends to be together. Whether it may be on a relaxing vacation together or just sitting in your living room with your best friends talking all night long.
Everyone deserves to have a few close friends because if we didn't have them, we wouldn't be able to get through life without their love and support along the way.

"Spring is Like a Perhaps Hand" by E.E. Cummings

I though this poem would be appropriate to blog about because it's very sweet and also we are anxiously awaiting spring to arrive!
In this poem, I thought it was very unique and kept me very interesting because the writer was comparing and contrasting things, such as a "hand, which comes carefully out of nowhere."
It's intersting to think of it this way. I think of it as your body is constantly making movements all the time and you never know which movement will come next, especially with your hands. Just as you never know when spring is going to hit us one day, especially because it still randomly snowing. Everything is a surprise, all the time.
I really enjoy that it's such a different way to compare things. This poem reminds me that as life goes on, there will always be suprises.
I think this poem is implying that life shouldn't be planned, it's not meant to me. It's meant to be lived in the moment, and also to the fullest!

10 Poems I Enjoyed!

1. "Somewhere I've Never Traveled, Gladly Beyond" by E.E. Cummings
2. "True Love" by Robert Penn Warren
3. "The Look" by Sara Teasdale
4. "Ode on Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood" by William Wordsworth
5. "October" by Louise Glück
6. "Traveling through the Dark" by William Stafford
7. "City That Does Not Sleep" by Federico García Lorca
8. "Black Petal" by Li-Young Lee
9. "Spring is like a perhaps hand" by E. E. Cummings
10. "Your Catfish Friend" by Richard Brautigan

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"It's Tough to Be a Teenager"

I think in this poem, every single one of us can relate.
Throughout high school, it's a constant feeling of wanting people to accept you. Whether it may be your parents or even some of your best friends.
It's always about impressing everyone and you'll do anything in order to do that. It almost seemed that people didn't really care about you unless you were 'accepted' by them.
Teenagers are little annoying, young adults, but they have feelings, too. I can think back and put myself in their shoes and I know the exact feeling of "hating the world and everyone in it."
I feel like this is mostly hormones but it's also a part of growing up. I think it's great to go through the roughest times in high school in your teenage years; because whatever doesn't kill you can only make you stronger in the end!

Monday, March 17, 2008

"A Red, Red Rose"

This poem really seems to describe someone's "soulmate." My question is, does everyone have a soulmate? Is there someone out there for everyone that completes that person? It makes me wonder if you think that you're with the right person, is there someone better?
I know at this age when people fall in love with someone they think everything is perfect and there is no one better out there for them. It really makes me wonder though, how are you supposed to know if someone really is your "soulmate?"
Also, what qualities should a soulmate have? Obviously they can't be perfect because no one is perfect. But I ask, what is it that can make someone your "soulmate?"
I think that this poem explains it very well saying that no matter what happens, through thick or thin, your soulmate will love you no matter what. Your soulmate will love you "till a' the seas gang dry and the rocks melt wi' the sun."

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

"Those Winter Sundays"

In this poem, "Those Winter Sundays," I think there's a deeper message. It seems to me that it's a young girl realizing that her father does anything and everything to support his family.
I think that growing up, until a certain age, children and young adults don't realize how much they need to appreciate their parents and what they really do for them. They're always complaining about anything and everything and don't realize how much time and work they put towards keeping the family healthy and supported.
It seems that no one ever can realize this and really thank their parents for simply just putting a roof over their heads and feeding them; because unfortunately there are some who are not lucky enough to even have that.
So I ask that everyone goes to their parents or guardians and tells them how much you love them and how thankful you are for all of the little things they do for you and your family in life.
I never really thought about this until after reading this poem and it makes me sad to think that I've never thought to go to my parents to simply say, "Thank you and I love you," for no reason at all.


In the poem "Wedding-Ring," it seems to be a sad story about a marriage slowly falling apart. In the first part of the poem, it says "My wedding-ring lies in a basket as if at the bottom of a well."
It seems that this poem is saying that the marriage is slowly falling apart. It seems that although it is falling apart vows were made that can't be broken.
I think that this is why marriage is such a huge life-changing decision. Some people don't think that it's a big deal at all and would get married 5 times as if it meant nothing. This is why I think in our generation today young adults are rushing to get married and not taking the time and realizing how serious of a decision it is deciding to share your life with another.
My question is, what is the rush? Why get married at such a young age? No one is going anywhere. Relationships are very difficult and they take a lot of time and work. Taking the time and putting that time into a relationship can help in the long run so that no one's wedding rings will be "lying in the bottom of a basket." They will be on one another's hands and remain happy although they might go through good and bad times, they will always wear their rings together!