Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Critical Response for "Everything that Rises Must Converge"

In the short story “Everything that Rises Must Converge,” it’s mostly about racism. Julian and his mother see completely differently on these views.
It’s interesting that a mother and a son can have completely different opinions, but they did. They had different opinions on everything. For example, Julian stated that “True culture is in the mind, the mind.” Julian’s mother stated that “It’s in the heart, and in how you do things and how you do things is because of who you are.”
Julian’s mother thinks it’s very important to believe in yourself and who you are no matter what; and Julian is still sort of growing up in a sense because he’s seeing the side of what his mother believes and has believed, and also finding out what is believed in the present time.
It’s interesting because Julian sees that it is important to give yourself a good image for others to see and for yourself, which is what his mother believes. Julian also believes though that now in this present time it’s not about what people think of you; it’s about what you think of yourself and how you present yourself to others.
Julian seems to be very strong willed to go against everything his mother says. His mother is very prejudice against colored people; although indifferently; Julian is not at all. Although one would think that as a mother, she would teach Julian the right ways and what to believe, it was very amazing how Julian seemed to teach his mother a lesson.
He makes a statement to his mother about a colored woman wearing the same ridiculous hat as her. He explains to her, “You needn’t act as if the world had come to an end, because it hasn’t. From now on you’ve got to live in a new world and face a few realities for a change.”
Society today needs to realize that although older adults that experienced this time period where there was discrepancies between races; it no longer exists. Children and teenagers are growing up in the present time realizing that one’s color of skin should not create a difference between human beings. Instead of adults teaching children what’s right and wrong, possibly adults can learn lessons once and a while from their own children for a change!

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