Tuesday, January 29, 2008

"Creative Response for A Rose for Emily"

After reading the short story, A Rose for Emily, I find that the title fits the story in a few ways. A Rose for Emily sounds as if it’s depressing and all the townspeople almost feel bad for her.
I feel great sympathy throughout the story for Emily and the way people treat her. If one has a problem with someone or something, the right thing to do is talk to that person to their face to solve the problem, right?
Well in this story, it seems that everyone that lived in this town with Emily did what was wrong. Instead of nicely talking to Emily and telling her politely that something smelled weird where she lived; every single person that lived in the town with her just tried to solve the problem by sprinkling lime juice and such behind her back instead of going and talking with her.
It makes me sad that people in the world are like this. If there is someone that you have a problem with; and if they really bother someone that much, why wouldn’t one just go talk with them about it? All the grown adults in this town seem to be very immature that they just spend their days gossiping about Emily when in fact; although she is not happy, I bet she spends no time at all talking about these people. There are better things to do in life than gossip about people.
I feel that all gossiping does is get people in trouble. Instead of just talking behind everyone’s back, why not go work things out with that person? In the end, if you do the right thing, everyone will be happy. If it’s not done the right way, then people are upset that others are talking about them or sort of upset at themselves for spending so much time talking about others. All it really takes is some simple confrontation that I think everyone needs to deal with throughout their lives at one point or another; whether it might be big things or even the small things every day!

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