Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Critical Response for "Everything that Rises Must Converge"

In the short story “Everything that Rises Must Converge,” it’s mostly about racism. Julian and his mother see completely differently on these views.
It’s interesting that a mother and a son can have completely different opinions, but they did. They had different opinions on everything. For example, Julian stated that “True culture is in the mind, the mind.” Julian’s mother stated that “It’s in the heart, and in how you do things and how you do things is because of who you are.”
Julian’s mother thinks it’s very important to believe in yourself and who you are no matter what; and Julian is still sort of growing up in a sense because he’s seeing the side of what his mother believes and has believed, and also finding out what is believed in the present time.
It’s interesting because Julian sees that it is important to give yourself a good image for others to see and for yourself, which is what his mother believes. Julian also believes though that now in this present time it’s not about what people think of you; it’s about what you think of yourself and how you present yourself to others.
Julian seems to be very strong willed to go against everything his mother says. His mother is very prejudice against colored people; although indifferently; Julian is not at all. Although one would think that as a mother, she would teach Julian the right ways and what to believe, it was very amazing how Julian seemed to teach his mother a lesson.
He makes a statement to his mother about a colored woman wearing the same ridiculous hat as her. He explains to her, “You needn’t act as if the world had come to an end, because it hasn’t. From now on you’ve got to live in a new world and face a few realities for a change.”
Society today needs to realize that although older adults that experienced this time period where there was discrepancies between races; it no longer exists. Children and teenagers are growing up in the present time realizing that one’s color of skin should not create a difference between human beings. Instead of adults teaching children what’s right and wrong, possibly adults can learn lessons once and a while from their own children for a change!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

"Creative Response for A Rose for Emily"

After reading the short story, A Rose for Emily, I find that the title fits the story in a few ways. A Rose for Emily sounds as if it’s depressing and all the townspeople almost feel bad for her.
I feel great sympathy throughout the story for Emily and the way people treat her. If one has a problem with someone or something, the right thing to do is talk to that person to their face to solve the problem, right?
Well in this story, it seems that everyone that lived in this town with Emily did what was wrong. Instead of nicely talking to Emily and telling her politely that something smelled weird where she lived; every single person that lived in the town with her just tried to solve the problem by sprinkling lime juice and such behind her back instead of going and talking with her.
It makes me sad that people in the world are like this. If there is someone that you have a problem with; and if they really bother someone that much, why wouldn’t one just go talk with them about it? All the grown adults in this town seem to be very immature that they just spend their days gossiping about Emily when in fact; although she is not happy, I bet she spends no time at all talking about these people. There are better things to do in life than gossip about people.
I feel that all gossiping does is get people in trouble. Instead of just talking behind everyone’s back, why not go work things out with that person? In the end, if you do the right thing, everyone will be happy. If it’s not done the right way, then people are upset that others are talking about them or sort of upset at themselves for spending so much time talking about others. All it really takes is some simple confrontation that I think everyone needs to deal with throughout their lives at one point or another; whether it might be big things or even the small things every day!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Creative Response for "A Souvenir of Japan"

It seems as though nowadays everyone is constantly judging one another, even if they don’t mean to. People judge each other for everything. The way they look, the way they act, the people they’re with, etc.

Everyone is brought up differently, and has different morals and different intents on deciding what is right and what is wrong. It seems in this story that everyone that lives on the street of the narrator has an opinion of her. No one is very friendly.

People tend to instead of telling someone they disagree with their actions or doings; they instead avoid the subject because many people do not care for confrontation and would rather just avoid the situation.

Although the narrator is constantly being judged; she seems to be a very strong person. She knows who she is as a person and who she is being viewed as by others.

Perhaps knowing who you are and believing in yourself is what matters most and not caring of what others think of you is what is viewed as being a strong person? Although others might view a person negatively; it’s what one sees in themselves that really does matter.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

"How-To Make a Relationship Last"

How-To make a relationship last and be happy is very difficult. It takes a lot of work from both sides of the relationship. It is not about changing one another; but about changing together as a couple for the better. It's about not only being lovers and physically attracted to one another; but being best friends and having common and different interests. It's about making sure that you have alone time, time with your friends, and time with your friends and your lover together at the same time. It's very important that you have your space from one another and separate lives but also lives together. Having the time away from each other makes the time spent with each other so very special when you do.
Relationships are about working together but also making sure to always have fun no matter what. As time goes on it always gets more difficult and that's why trying new and fun activities that neither person has experienced is always a great way to help the relationship. Going away on vacations with just one another is also a way to get away from all the stress and relax with one another and just enjoy each other more and more as the years go on.

Creative Response for "How"

What is true love and why is everyone so desperate for it? It seems that nowadays all women are searching too hard for it. I think they're trying too hard to fall in love and not letting it happen and more just forcing it to happen.
Long lasting relationships do get boring; but the fun in the them is changing together as a couple and making it work. Relationships are very hard and they take a lot of time and work.
Women are not realizing that you can’t assume that from the moment you meet a guy into the 30+ years of the relationship; everything will not always seem perfect and like a fairly tale. They think it will and they want to go searching for another man who they think could be perfect for them.
True love is something that needs to be worked through in relationships together no matter what. If the chemistry and love and fun friendship is there you need to keep rekindling the fire and making the relationship better and better as the years go by.
Many women are in search for true love and don’t realize that they even have it until it’s gone. Take advantage of what is in front of you and stop searching for something that you already have in every way.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Critical Reponse to "Sonny's Blues"

In the short story, “Sonny’s Blues,” it tells the story of the narrator’s younger brother growing up in their dark and gloomy neighborhood on the streets of Harlem. Sonny, the narrator’s brother, was explained by the narrator as his younger brother who “was wild, but not crazy.” He never thought that he was going to go down a horrible path until he discovered his extreme use of heroin.
When Sonny’s brother found out that he had been picked up off a street corner, he was sort of in denial. He always assumed that everything wasn’t as bad as he’d thought until he read the news in the paper. He didn’t write or send him anything until he received a letter from Sonny; which then he felt guilty and decided to write back and keep in touch with him.
Finally, Sonny then came back to New York. Sonny’s brother finally met with him and promised himself for the sake of his mother and father he was going to watch after Sonny and make sure that he was okay.
Their mother made Sonny’s brother promise to take care of him after explaining to him how his father’s brother passed away and they had never told anyone about it. She explained that family is what is important and you have to make sure you stick together through everything and always help each other out; and he promised her he would do so.
After Sonny’s brother heard about his father’s brother, his daughter passing away, and finally his mother and father; he knew he had to stick with his brother even though it was very hard and he was so bitter with him about everything.
When Sonny came home and tried to explain to his brother he wanted to become a musician, he didn’t take him seriously. He wanted Sonny to finish school and stay with his wife, Isabel’s parents. Sonny finally got frustrated and was arguing a lot with his brother and finally decided to go out on his own and join the army, and he did.
Sonny finally came back again and went on to pursue his music career in jazz. Sonny’s brother was so confused and back in forth and always wondered why he destroyed his life as he did and why he wanted to die. He said, “I don’t want to see you-die-trying not to suffer.” Sonny responded, “I won’t,” he said flatly, “die trying not to suffer. At least not any faster than anybody else.”
Sonny all along just wanted his brother to understand that he wants to live his life to the fullest just as he is doing. Sonny had a serious passion for jazz music and finally when he was home for good decided to bring his brother to a jazz joint and show him how strong of a person he is and that he truly does have a deep passion for music that gives him the good feeling of being on heroin.
When Sonny and his brother go downtown to the only joint playing jazz music in town his brother finally watches him play for the first time. He finally realizes that this is what Sonny loves and “he made it his.” Sonny’s brother finally realized that Sonny was content. He realized that no matter what happens, they have both been through so much with and without each other and in the end; all they need is each other to listen to.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

About Me

My name is Katie Russell. I'm from the northwest suburbs of Chicago, IL. My major is Interior Design and my minor is Dance. I have one twin brother. I am a member of Alpha Phi Sorority. I love traveling, shopping, working out, gymnastics, dancing, and having a good time with my friends and family that I love.